Town Supervisor Bill Smith holds a “Supervisor Saturday” once a month on a Saturday from 9:00 - 10:00AM at the Pittsford Community Library. Community members can stop by and join the conversation to catch up on current issues, Town...
Draft Comprehensive Plan available online, hard copies for viewing at Town Hall & Library
After an extensive and exhaustive process, Pittsford’s Comprehensive Plan Update is ready for final review by our residents. There will be two...
All Town of Pittsford offices, facilities, and services – including Town Hall, the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center at 35 Lincoln Avenue, the Pittsford Community Library, and Town Court – will be closed on Monday, September 2 in...
In early 2017, when the Town started planning to qualify for State designation as a Clean Energy Community, the Town Administration, and Town Board at the time, first considered Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) as one of the steps to...
Pittsford programming August 29 - September 5 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features our Kid's Concert Series with family friendly music from Topher Holt. Also, this week enjoy a "Pittsford Personalities" interview with Bill...
Pittsford programming August 22 - August 28 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features a "Pittsford Personalities" interview by Town Historian Audrey Johnson with David and Larry Knickerbocker. In addition, you can enjoy our Summer...