Town of Pittsford NY

Comprehensive Plan Public Hearings are Sept. 3 and 17

August 30, 2019

Draft Comprehensive Plan available online, hard copies for viewing at Town Hall & Library
After an extensive and exhaustive process, Pittsford’s Comprehensive Plan Update is ready for final review by our residents.  There will be two public hearings, both during regularly scheduled Town Board meetings on September 3 and September 17 at 6:00pm in the public meeting room at Town Hall, 11 South Main Street.  The proposed final draft of the Plan is posted online and available for review at along with other information or click the following for a direct online link to the Final Draft Plan document and the draft appendices.   The Town set up the Comprehensive Plan website in 2015 to provide residents with continually updated information and to provide a convenient way for residents to share their advice and ideas about the Plan. Hard copies of the draft plan are available for viewing at Town Hall and at the Pittsford Community Library (24 State Street).  
The proposed Comprehensive Plan reflects work over several years by our citizens’ Steering Committee and our consultant. It incorporates ideas suggested, reviewed and approved by our residents through the public engagement sessions and otherwise. A general rule of thumb calls for municipalities to revise their comprehensive plan about once every 10 years. Pittsford completed its last update in 2009.
We look forward to hearing your further comments and finalizing this plan of such importance to Pittsford’s future.