Town of Pittsford NY

Give Zoning Code Update Comments & Ideas Via the Online Mapping Tool

March 23, 2021

Mapping Tool commenting period extnded through May 24
Our Zoning Code Update is underway.  Current pandemic protocols prevent traditional in-person workshops at this time but the Interactive Mapping Tool on our Zoning Code Update website provides a virtual workshop that’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week through May 24.
To let us know your thoughts about how and where to implement zoning changes that will best meet the needs defined in our Comprehensive Plan and Active Transportation Plan.

  • Visit
  • Scroll down on the home page or click the "Your Input" tab and click "View the Map."
  • Make your comments – and give your input on comments made by others – by dragging and placing a marker icon using our Zoning Code Update Interactive Mapping Tool.
  • Once you place a marker icon, a comment box opens for you to add a comment to that location on the map.
  • Comment categories include Residential, Commercial & Mixed Use, Canal, and General.
  • Comments can also be submitted to or mailed to Doug DeRue, Town of Pittsford, 11 South Main Street, Pittsford, NY 14534; please indicate whether you are a Town or Village resident.

How to use the Pittsford Zoning Code Update Interactive Mapping Tool:
Sidebar Tabs
Click on the sidebar tabs located to the left to participate in each activity by topic area. As you switch from one sidebar tab to another, the map display and commenting tools will change.
Navigating the Map
To pan to a different location, click and drag on the map using your computer mouse (or finger for touch screens). To zoom in and out on the map, use the scrolling wheel on your mouse (or two fingers for touch screen), or use the zoom slider on the right side of the map.
Using Markers
Comments can be added to the map by clicking and dragging the marker icons located above the map to your desired location on the map.  If using a mobile device, click "Add Comment," choose the marker icon you want to leave, pan and zoom to the correct location, and click "Place Marker Here." Then, fill out the comment box that pops up after the marker is dropped.
You can also view and interact with existing comments by clicking on the comment markers on the map.
Please remember, the commenting period via the interactive map will close on May 24.
Learn more about the Zoning Code Update, and find links to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, Active Transportation Plan, current Zoning Code, and other informational materials, on the Zoning Code Update website at
If you missed our first online Zoning Code Update Workshop, you can view it here.  This link also can be found on the Zoning Code Update website.  Additional public input events – including an opportunity to provide direct feedback on the proposed Zoning Code and Map updates – will be offered later on in the project timeline.  Check for further updates and information. The contents of the project webpage will be updated as the Zoning Code Update progresses.
We encourage all Town of Pittsford stakeholders (residents, business and property owners, community leaders, and taxpayers) to participate in the update.  Substantial input and feedback from a broad range of our community members is essential to ensure the updated Zoning Code reflects the community’s development preferences and future vision!

Municipal zoning codes influence the communities they serve in a variety of ways. Primarily, they dictate the types of land uses allowable and in which locations. They also inform the design of buildings and landscapes and outline property maintenance expectations. Municipal zoning codes are shaped over time based on the land use recommendations in local community planning initiatives and feedback from the community. The Town of Pittsford’s Zoning Code (Town Code Chapter 185) was adopted in 1992 and amended multiple times thereafter (most recently in June 2020). Over time, shifts in markets and technologies, and continuing planning initiatives, including the Town’s recent local plans and studies such as the 2019 Comprehensive Plan and 2020 Joint Town and Village Active Transportation Plan, drive the need to update the Zoning Code.
The Town of Pittsford has hired a team of community planning and zoning professionals led by Barton & Loguidice to lead the Zoning Code Update. Through this update, the Town intends to bring the Zoning Code into alignment with the goals of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan and other recent planning initiatives. This effort is also intended to improve the Zoning Code’s clarity and user-friendliness.