Town of Pittsford NY

Town opens Electric Vehicle charging station in Library parking lot

September 28, 2017

Charging station is Pittsford’s first

The Town of Pittsford opened for public use its first Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station on Tuesday, September 19.  Pittsford Town Councilman Matt O’Connor, the Board’s lead for the project, joined Town Councilwoman Mary Gehl Doyle and Town Councilman Jared Lusk to cut the ribbon and demonstrate how the charging station works. Town Councilwoman Kate Munzinger and Town Supervisor Bill Smith also attended. 

The charging station is located at the North Main Street entrance of the parking lot behind the Pittsford Community Library. 

With the new EV charging station, the Town has completed the last milestone necessary to win designation as a “Clean Energy Community.”  “This designation will make the Town eligible for a $50,000 New York State grant,” said Councilman Matt O’Connor.  “We could use it for additional sustainability measures.  What we’ve done on sustainability and green energy to date is just the beginning,” he continued.  “Now we’re moving on to looking at converting streetlights in Pittsford to LED lights and looking into a plan called “Community Choice Aggregation” – a way to offer Pittsford residents less expensive electricity, from sustainable sources.”

Pittsford resident John Robins was the first person to use the EV charging station.  “I had done quite a bit of research about electric vehicle charging stations and had planned to suggest installing one to the Town,” he said.  “When I mentioned it to Supervisor Smith in July, I was very pleased to learn that the Town was way ahead of me.  The Town Board had just approved funding and installation of the EV charging station.  It’s just great that we now have one here in Pittsford.”

The EV charging station can charge two vehicles at a time.  Each vehicle can be charged for up to four hours at a time.  The charging speed is up to 25 RPH (miles of range per hour).  This means that every hour of charging supplies up to 25 miles of range, depending on the vehicle.  A ChargePoint card is required to use the charger.

Pittsford's Town Councilwoman Mary Gehl-Doyle joins Town Councilman Jared Lusk (left), Pittsford resident John Robins (center) and Town Councilman and project lead Matt O'Connor to inaugurate the Town’s first Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station.

(Click on the image to enlarge it)

Town’s first Electric Vehicle charging station PDF