Town of Pittsford NY

Online Survey ends THIS Friday! Please take it if you walk or bike in Pittsford.

March 8, 2016

What matters most to you about walking and biking in Pittsford? If you don’t walk or bike very often, what might help you to do it more? Take the Town/Village Active Transportation Plan online survey and tell us. The survey ends THIS FRIDAY, April 15.

Transportation IconWe’d like to learn more about current use of walkways and bike paths in Pittsford and to ask what kind of improvements are most important to our community members. You’ll find the survey on the Town website at; it should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Whether you currently bike and walk around Pittsford or don't, but have ideas about what would encourage you do so, your comments and ideas are key to creating a plan that best serves our community members. As we want to hear from all our community members, access to the survey has been extended through 4/15/16.

The Pittsford Active Transportation Plan is a joint project of the Village and Town governments. Its purpose is to create a better pedestrian and bicycle-friendly network by improving safety and making it easier to get around Pittsford under you own power for both recreation and transportation purposes. Comments and ideas from Pittsford community members are key to making the Pittsford Active Transportation Plan a success – please be sure to take our survey. Thank you!

Pittsford Active Transport Plan Online Survey