Town of Pittsford NY

Athletic Fields Project funding vote is Sept. 16, 2014

August 20, 2014
Event Date: 
September 16, 2014

The Pittsford Town Board has set a public referendum date for September 16, 2014 to enable residents to vote on the board’s proposal to bond $6 million toward financing improvements to town-owned community athletic fields.  Click HERE to view the Bond Financing Resolution.

The proposed Community Athletic Fields Improvement Project seeks to resolve issues related to unsatisfactory athletic field conditions stemming from overuse/excessive demand, the inability to take fields off-line to “rest” and regenerate, and grading/drainage issues while also addressing a need for improved handicapped accessibility to town-owned athletic fields.

The bonding vote on the project will be held on Tuesday, September 16 from 7AM – 9PM at King’s Bend Park (170 Jefferson Road). All those U.S. citizens age 18 and over who have been a Pittsford (town or village) resident for at least 30 days prior to the vote date are eligible to vote; prior voter registration is not necessary but proof of residency - government ID (valid driver’s license or passport) and a mail item showing resident’s address within the required time period -  is required for unregistered voters. 

The proposed improvements to athletic fields support the Town’s commitment to providing high quality athletic facilities and offering increased access to playing fields for youth and adults throughout the community.  The Community Athletic Fields Improvement Project would improve athletic fields at the Town’s Great Embankment Park (631 Marsh Road), Thornell Farm Park (480 Mendon Road) and Hopkins Park (5 Barker Road) and create new fields at the Town’s Willard Road property.  The proposed improvements include constructing or reconfiguring athletic fields, playgrounds, parking areas, sidewalks, drainage and restrooms and providing increased handicapped accessibility.  A synthetic turf field with lights is also proposed at Thornell Farm Park. 

Detailed project information, including the bond financing resolution, the project summary and background information, and concept drawings of the fields can be found on the Athletic and Recreation Facilities project page of the Town of Pittsford website or viewed in the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall, 11 South Main Street.