Town of Pittsford NY

New Format for Town Boad Meetings | Supporting Docs Online

February 13, 2014

The Pittsford Town Board implemented a new Town Board meeting format this month that includes a "working session" for the first meeting of the month, followed by a "legislative session" held the second meeting of the month. During the working session Town Board members will discuss in detail upcoming matters for the board's consideration in order to gather information and determine whether a particular matter is ready to come to a vote. The working session also provides the opportunity for Town staff to propose and discuss new matters for consideration by the Town Board. During the legislative session matters brought forward from the working session will be presented for a vote, together with more routine items such as approving previously budgeted expenditures, etc.

This new format is designed to be flexible. For example, at legislative sessions there will be additional discussion of matters on the agenda for a vote and, if necessary, a time-sensitive matter may be brought to a vote at a working session. The purpose of the new Town Board meeting format is to make even clearer to residents the factors and information considered prior to a vote.

It is now also easier than ever for the public to review the documents, memoranda and reports that the Town Board will consider in connection with matters on its agenda at each meeting. These documents now will be posted on the Town website with the agenda for each meeting, in content-tabbed format, by mid-day on the Friday before each Town Board meeting.

Town Board meetings are regularly scheduled for 7PM on the first and third Tuesday of the month and are held at Town Hall (11 South Main Street). Please check the Pittsford Events Calendar on the lower right side of the Town website homepage to confirm upcoming meeting dates. To read Town Supervisor Bill Smith's comments on the new Town Board meeting format, see his 1/30/14 Supervisor's column.

Town Board working session

Pittsford Town Board held its first "working session" on 2/4/14.