Town of Pittsford NY

Naming the new park

The name King's Bend Park would be most appropriate because the location of the park on Jefferson Road is very close to where the original Erie Canal made a huge bend around an obstacle. That large turn was known to early canalers as King's Bend. It occurred just about where Clover Street and West Jefferson intersect and near Lock 32.

The famous painting by George Harvey, which hangs in the lower hallway outside of the Historian's office was painted in 1840 and is supposed to be showing a packet boat rounding King's Bend. I have included a copy of a photograph which was made from the watercolor.

I have also included a copy of a map drawn by Paul Knickerbocker and John Berggren, a former member of the town board.

Submitted August 22, 2002
by Audrey M. Johnson, Historian
Town and Village of Pittsford