Town of Pittsford NY

Town Sidewalk Projects Update

May 14, 2014

UPDATED 5/14/14:

In order to make Pittsford an even more walkable community, the Pittsford Town Board has currently identified as priorities three sidewalk projects. These projects are in varying stages of planning and identifying funding sources; each will require full public review and input to allow them to move forward if the public and the affected neighborhoods support them. The following is an update on the current on the progress of each project.

Calkins-Tobey-Mendon Center “Safe Routes to School” Project

This project contemplates sidewalks along the south side of Calkins Road and the east side of Mendon Center Road, from Calkins Road Middle School to Mendon Center Elementary School. It includes as well sidewalks along the east side of Tobey Road, from Calkins Road to Stone Road. It provides f or a signalized crosswalk and will connect to existing walkways within the surrounding residential area. The principal purpose of this project is to permit children to walk and bicycle safely to school.

The Town has recently received approval from the New York State Department of Transportation to use its own crews to construct the proposed sidewalks. The NYS DOT agreed that construction by Town crews, rather than a contracted vendor, would allow for the most efficient and cost-effective approach while maintaining high construction standards. This intermediate step now allows Town engineers to continue to finalize the projects contract drawings and specifications. Concurrently, Town staff is working on bid specifications for pedestrian crossings at the Tobey-Calkins-Mendon Center intersection. The Town is still awaiting NYS DOT approval of the proposed preliminary plan and will also need to receive a permit from NYS DOT to begin construction.

When the State approves the Town’s preliminary plan, the Town will schedule public information meetings to discuss it and receive input. Depending on when the state responds and on public response, construction conceivably could begin as early as this summer. This project is substantially funded, in part by the federal “Safe Routes to School” program.

East Avenue

Town engineers have completed a preliminary plan, based on suggestions and advice from residents in the immediate area, including design options, for a sidewalk along the west side of North Main Street/East Avenue, from the Village of Pittsford to the Brighton town line. As a second, related component of this project, a separate preliminary plan has been completed for sidewalks on the east side of East Avenue from Alpine Drive to Fairport Road, and along the north and south sides of Fairport Road from Murphy Hall (near the Fairport Road exit of Alpine Drive) to Kilbourn Road.

At the end of 2013 the Town applied for full funding of both phases of the East Avenue sidewalks project via a Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) grant through the NYS DOT. Unfortunately, we received word in early 2014 that this grant application was rejected. This June, in partnership with St. John Fisher College, the Town will apply for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding for the project. The TAP funding would provide for enhancements, including sidewalks, to a portion of East Avenue and Fairport Road between Ellingwood Drive and Interstate 490.

Concurrently, the Town is working on submission of both Phase I and Phase II sidewalk plans to NYS DOT. Based on our experience, the State’s response could take as long as a year. Of course, we will use every effort to obtain the State's response as promptly as possible. That response may require revision of the preliminary plans submitted. Following that, and subject to the Town identifying funding for the project, the Town would schedule sessions to solicit response and advice from neighbors and the public. At present, no funding is in place for this project. While awaiting state action, the Town will explore funding options.

Stone Road Multi-Use Pathway

A few years ago, improvements planned for a portion of Stone Road would have required installing shoulders of five feet in width along Stone from Clover Street, running east to slightly past South Pittsford Hill Lane. This was driven by requirements of state and federal funding. Neighbors objected, and the State and the Monroe County Department of Transportation accepted, in place of the shoulders, a proposed multi-use pathway incorporating crosswalks and connecting with existing Town trails in the area. This project is substantially funded by both public and private funds and pledges. The Town expects to announce shortly public meetings to discuss the proposal and to obtain public response.

As each of these projects progress, the Town will provide updated status information on the town website. Community members can direct any questions or concerns regarding these projects to Pittsford Commissioner of Public Works Paul Schenkel via email or phone (585) 248-6250.