Town Supervisor Bill Smith holds a “Supervisor Saturday” once a month on a Saturday from 9:00 - 10:00AM at the Pittsford Community Library. Community members can stop by and join the conversation to catch up on current issues, Town projects, and other topics you might wish to discuss. If you’ve got questions, ideas or comments for Supervisor Smith, be sure to join him for the next Supervisor Saturday on August 3.
Supervisor Saturday is a casual open house, held in the Library's Fisher Meeting Room - it enables residents who can't stop by to see the Supervisor during the work week a chance to speak to him directly. Come and discuss what matters most to you! Just drop in - registration is not required. The Pittsford Community Library is located at 24 State Street.
Supervisor Smith keeps an open door policy and also welcomes visits from residents at Town Hall during regular business hours Monday to Friday. As always, he’s available by phone at 248-6220 and by email at