The Pittsford Town Board has approved moving forward with development of a master plan for restoration and renovation of the Paul M. Spiegel Community Center and is looking for public input. The Spiegel Community Center Restoration and Improvement Project will address necessary repairs, maintenance and restoration regarding the long-term needs of the building, as well as discerning needed improvements and potential renovation opportunities. Resident input from public information sessions and a subsequent architectural/engineering report raised additional considerations – such as the possible addition of a new gym and reconfiguration of interior space for expanded program activities – which the board felt necessitated development of a detailed Master Plan for the project. The master planning process will rely heavily on public input.
The Town is seeking community members who wish to participate in workshops, design groups and citizen committees relating to development of the Spiegel Community Center Master Plan. Those interested should contact Town Recreation Director Jessie Hollenbeck via email at or call 248-6284.