Town of Pittsford NY

The history of Long Meadow – Part 2

A developer named Mr. Pratt seems to have been the builder of the Long Meadow neighborhood, the first subdivision in Monroe County, which was advertised as "Long Meadows Bungalow Sites."

It is a unique area because of the large lots and the many architectural styles of homes that are represented in the neighborhood.

An example of Mr. Pratt's more elaborate style can be seen at the corner of Monroe Avenue and East Brook Road that he built to sell. In addition to this house, he built a house for himself just on the other side of the first one, at 255 East Brook Road, now occupied by the Parkers. Pratt dug the pond and built an icehouse where he stored ice that was cut from the pond. Until recently, the pond served as an ice skating rink and was enjoyed by many generations of skaters and hockey players, including Town Supervisor Bill Carpenter. Pratt later sold his home to Clarence Smith, the former Monroe County supervisor in the late 1930's and early 1940's. Since then, three generations of Parkers have "parked" there from 1944 to the present day.

Pratt also built a home for Edward C. Mills at 180 Long Meadow Circle. Mills developed a system of handwriting that was used in the elementary schools throughout the county, known as the Mills System of Business Writing.

A large brick house was erected on Crofts Road. It is the only house on this short road. The Ned Croft family lived there for many years and numerous Long Meadow club meetings, parties and annual dinners were held on the second floor ballroom of their home. Entertainment, such as plays, minstrel shows and dances, was often included in these gatherings. The indoor swimming pool, located under the long front porch, was also an attraction.

The house at 3536 Monroe Ave. was built for Irving Crump and his family of seven children. First, the children burned down the barn and the following year, the house burned.

Gus White's house at 3593 Monroe Ave. was built in 1914. One of the owners, the Lowenguth family, maintained a wonderful imported apple orchard and stabled a pony, much to the delight of the neighborhood children.

Ed and Beryl Haas purchased the house located at 3685 Monroe Avenue that was built in 1922. A double and a single tourist cabin were also located on this property and remain there even now. These cabins rented for 75 cents a night per person.

Just across the street was the Teute residence and green houses. This is the property where the Pittsford Garden Apartments now stand. Near the Teutes was the Kassel home, where the former Public Works Commissioner Al Kassel helped his father erect a barn. The barn and home were both demolished to build Carriage Court.

The Conner home, at 200 East Brook Road, was built in 1930. The builders referred this site as "Frog Puddle" because the property was in a low-lying area. E. Raymond Conner was a former welfare officer and town assessor for the town of Pittsford. He maintained a huge garden and strawberry bed across the creek where Bob and Jean Ferris later built their home and still live.

The early roads into Pittsford were dusty or muddy depending upon the weather. Early Long Meadow commuters put on their boots and trudged through the snow and mud to take the trolley into the city. The trolley shelter was located directly across from the entrance to Long Meadow. People would leave their boots in the morning and put them back on when they returned to Pittsford for the walk back to their homes.

This article was submitted by Historic Pittsford members Jean Ferris and John Parker, as well as Long Meadow residents.